While the pandemic is still on, and has taken over our lives in so many ways, it has resulted in an emotional shutting down and/or depressive state that has affected everyone. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. BUT there are certain skills and interests that we can move forward with in order not to lose our sharpness, our readiness and our motivation and goal-oriented studying and learning. (We're all perpetual students anyway, aren't we?)
So under the SINGTHROUGH CENTRAL umbrella, I'm offering things like ITALIAN CONVERSATION classes on TWO different levels, an online ARIA REBOOT CAMP SEMINAR and SPECIAL FOCUS ARIA WEEKS!!!
An ITALIAN ARIA WEEK: June 7-13 and A FRENCH ARIA WEEK: June 14-21 for specially low fees. You can find details for all this on the website if you roam around.
Also, have you dreamed of playing the piano better than you already do? I have some special techniques that I'd love to offer in a series of GUIDED PIANO LESSONS, not to learn to play sonatinas and stuff you had to do in school to pass out of piano proficiency, but practical work with emphasis on keyboard topography and sightreading and chord study (and with it harmonic competence!!!)
IT WILL PAY OFF. Have you seen all the pandemic produced vids where singers are accompanying themselves, some brilliantly? YOU don't have to aspire to go public..... you can just GET BETTER to get better and help yourself learn a role!
Because a lot of us are on restricted budgets fees will be reasonable, with sliding rate so that it's something many can do. This way we’ll jointly commit ourselves to improving and discovering more about our artistry and our abilities to teach ourselves!
WE’RE GETTING STARTED IN June, which is HERE ALREADY! So please reach out ASAP as these will be highly curated and personally tailored sessions, seminars and events and limited in size !!!!
DON’T miss out!!!! Can’t wait to have you onboard!