Our second successful effort was a DEBUSSY SONG PROJECT after our previous successful jaunt through the songs of Stefano Donaudy. It inspired us to create another project to study a very different repertoire!

It's time to take another look at these Debussy songs, for their originality, their literary and painterly influences and their gorgeous universe of Debussy's singular sonorities.

Susan Morton, NYC-based coach and founder of SingThrough Central, has created a project to study, review and stretch our knowledge of this composer, beloved of many singers, for his expressive output.

OUR APPROACH: a combo of masterclasses over the course of a month combined with private coachings. Attention will be given to the French language and stylistic issues. The availability of accompaniment tracks for many of the songs is a great help in keeping expenses down but if need be Susan will create whatever is needed for study and performance in the masterclasses.

Everyone participating has chosen those of 3 songs they want to study. (Hopefully one from different time periods in his output, so that we have as much variety as possible.)

And, in mid-March we’ve set up 3 performance masterclasses and two French diction and poetry classes! We've canvassed everyone's availability for attendance and opportunities to perform for one another. And the masterclasses are open to everyone enrolled; whether singers, voice teachers, pianists.

Stay tuned for upcoming future Song Projects this spring!