FALL 2021 IN-PERSON Session!!!

Aria Reboot Camp Seminar: Have you been planning to update/tweak your audition package of 5 arias NOW in preparation for future auditions season? Here’s a great way to do it!!!

Focus on current rep? review rep? soon rep? just for fun rep? to keep(or get) you in shape)!!


We’ll have a private phone consult about your aria choices and changes before our first coaching.

Starting DateThe group meeting will start END of October (27th),  for 5 Wednesdays, 7-9 PM. Individual coachings start any time in October. At our last class (TBA) we’ll try to create a concert night! You can invite friends. Private coachings scheduled at your convenience!

 In those five weeks you’ll have:

  • 5 private coachings of 45 mins. individually scheduled and  

  • A weekly group meeting to sing for each other……hopefully in person!!! you can “perform” your pieces in their entirety in front of your colleagues! If you have accompaniment tracks for practicing, great, if not I can make them!

  • The 5th and final week, if all goes well, we look for a venue to do a socially distant and masked concert for others, if not , we’ll open up our Skype concert hall to our friends!

Some of our Previous Participants shared these thoughts:

“Thank you so much for a wonderful experience at Audition ReBoot! I thoroughly enjoyed working with you and am excited to have added a few new arias to my audition package.”  

---Abigail Mitchell, Summer 2018 Audition Reboot Camp

The course and concert were both wonderful experiences. Thank you, Susan, for creating a welcoming environment for young and expressive singers, for your time, knowledge, and brilliant coaching.”   

---Hanna Socorro, Summer 2018 Audition Reboot Camp

“Thank you so much Susan! I learned so much last month especially about learning and memorization tactics. I really appreciated the boot camp and look forward to bringing this rep to the audition room!”

---Lauren ****, Summer 2018 Audition Reboot Camp


SINGTHROUGH CENTRAL is offering a SPECIAL 5 Week Seminar including BOTH a Private Coaching (at your discretion) and a Weekly Studio/Audition Class on a weeknight. We’ll plan a concert for the last class.

    1st Coaching - A singing/aria planning consultation - Go through your current list, what do you want to change, what do you still like. Decide why you're making these changes.....Make a plan for the next sessions.

1st Class - An introduction to each other and to the rest of the classes. Perform one of your 5 that you love. We'll discuss our individual missions that are provoking these changes. Constructive feedback optional.

2nd-4th Coachings - Work on new arias, new options for the list.

2nd-4th Classes - An opportunity to try out new repertoire for yourself and on colleagues. Again, feedback is optional.

5th Class - ACTUALLY a performance in a larger (online) venue, a chance to invite friends/family/fans to see/hear you sing your new repertoire. 

Last summer and fall our final concerts were in the Shetler Studios and Penthouse.

DETAILS: Pricing/Person and Scheduling

Tuition with Covid pricing! (on a sliding scale). The maximum group size is 6. This includes up to 5 hours of private coaching and 10 hours of class/group time all told. 


Email me to sign up for this seminar or for more info
